Publishers Association comment on Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill

Press Release

The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Bill will receive royal assent today (Friday 24th May). A Bill that has been passed by both Houses becomes law once it has been given royal assent and this has been signified to Parliament. It then becomes an Act of Parliament.

The DMCC Bill expands the powers of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to regulate anti-competitive behaviour by dominant companies in digital markets, including ours.

Dan Conway, CEO of the Publishers Association, commented:

“We and our members have been champions of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Bill and welcome its passage into law today. We have followed the Bill from its inception and as it made its way through both Houses, feeding in the views of our sector at every available opportunity. This is a vitally important Act of Parliament for many industries including ours, hard fought and with attempts to water it down resisted. It is a real testament to the cross party support the Bill has received.

“As important as it is to recognise and welcome this important moment, we must now seize the opportunity to make the new Act impactful. For the publishing sector, that means that Amazon must be amongst the first wave of companies scrutinised and regulated. Amazon have done great things in opening up digital markets, but anti-competitive practices are harming publishers, booksellers, readers, and hampering innovation, which needs to be urgently addressed by the CMA.”