Literary Agent Assistant

Entry Level // Literary Agency

What does a Literary Agent Assistant do?

A Literary Agent Assistant supports the busy office of a literary agent. They assist in managing writers’ careers, helping to discover and nurture new talent. A Literary Agent Assistant can assist with a number of tasks such as reading client manuscripts, writing copy, maintaining databases, scheduling, invoicing, processing contracts, and dealing with day-to-day queries. 

What is a Literary Agent Assistant good at?

  • Organisation; contributing to the smooth running of a busy office 
  • Communication; clear and confident, with an excellent phone manner as will often be working as first point of contact 
  • Administration
  • Passionate; about reading and the publishing industry
  • Time management; able to manage time effectively to ensure all conflicted tasks can be completed on time
  • Negotiation; able to juggle a client and publishers expectation 

Who does a Literary Agent Assistant work with?

A Literary Agent Assistant tends to work with a Literary Agent, liaising with publishers and clients.

How do I become a Literary Agent Assistant?

Building up experience can contribute to an application to become a Literary Agent Assistant. Experience might include internships or apprenticeships with publishers and agencies. Volunteering at literary festivals and working in bookshops can also contribute to an application.